Bench Way-Station at Knightwick in Worcestershire
by on 17 Jun, 2021 - 0 comments
It was the 24th of May when Steve and Gill arrived at the Knightwick hotel in Worcestershire, to deliver the bench which we had made with the team at Rowancroft.
The back of the bench tells the story of the Good Samaritan and on the slats of the bench are words from Paul’s letter to the Corinthian church about godly love. The bench was placed in front of the Talbot Inn by the door to the public bar. That afternoon we met with the local vicar, David Sherwin to pray a blessing on the bench. Although the weather was wet, we were able to join with David and his colleague, Anne. Annie Clift, the owner of the Talbot Inn, had invited a number of local singers and dancers who performed to celebrate the event. This is our first waystation to be placed in Worcestershire. We would like to thank Annie and her staff for the wonderful welcome and hospitality at the Talbot Inn. It is lovely to think that those who are walking the trail will find such a warm welcome awaiting them at Knightwick.