Over the weekend of 29th to 31st August, a team took a sculpture to the Kingstock music festival at St Ives, Cambridgeshire, so that festival-goers could have a hand in the creative process. The sculpture was carved in lime, and was of a man looking up at the cross with his hand on his heart. Behind him was a skip. People were encouraged to carve a heart from soap-stone and put it in the skip. They were then given a little prayer to take away baed on the words in Ezekiel’s prophecy, where the Lord speaks ;of wanting to take away out hearts of stone, and give us in return a heart of flesh. This exercise touched a lot of people, and in all we made 110 hearts.
The sceptre has now been completed and looks great with the skip full of overflowing stony hearts.
The weekend was also a great opportunity to talk to a lot of people about the Via Beata project, and we have already made contact with some potential sites for way-stations.