Road to Emmaus – Belsey Bridge

Road to Emmaus, Belsey Bridge

Varied walk taking in part of Angles Way, via The Locks Inn at Geldeston using footpaths and quiet country roads.

Download Printable Guide: VBG2 – Ringsfield Hall to Belsey Bridge – 11 miles

Re-trace your path back to Ringsfield church along the bridleway (BW)
Turn left (L) at junction with road. Turn right (R) onto BW (Ipswich to Lowestoft path). Past farm on left, continue on path L fork at junction. Turn R onto PF past farm buildings.
Go straight ahead Turn R at junction at end of farm track. Cross Main Road B1062. Turn R along road, then right at FP (footpath) sign (across corn field) Across field to right hand corner of copse Straight (Str) along FP
At junction, turn R downtrack Turn L onto Angles Way (where buildings on either side of track). Over stile Turn R keeping to Angles Way through metal kissing gate Turn L through metal gate
Turn R (off Angles Way) Across field towards bridge and Geldeston Locks Pub. Down track back to road and turn L. At Ellingham Church, take L fork Turn R down Old Station Lane Turn L onto School Lane Turn L at No Through Way sign onto Godric Way Cross A143. Direction “Ellingham (West) 1/4 mile – Old Yarmouth Road Through village, then Turn R onto BW – concrete road with lodge cottage on left Straight ahead, with farm buildings on L, follow BW Turn R on BW, over stile Turn R onto road. Turn L towards Thwaite on Rectory Road. Turn L towards Ditchingham (Thwaite Road).
The Way Station is at side of entrance to the Conference Centre
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Art Work Plaque

Explorer OL40:The Broads
Explorer 0S231: Southwold and Bungay
Ringsfield Hall: TM393878
Belsey Bridge: TM337926