What is the Via Beata Project?

As this new millennium has unfolded, we have felt that God has been calling us to establish a major trail of Christian art-works that will communicate His love for people, and for the U.K. Gradually it has become clear that we should establish a sort of pilgrimage route across the U.K. from East to West at its widest point.
It was only when we came to set out this line from Lowestoft to St. David’s, that we discovered that it came right through our property here at Rowancroft, Banham, Norfolk. Consequently the first way-station was set up here in the Summer of 2009 and we have worked outwards to the East and to the West with the initial aim of establishing a way-station every ten miles or so and linking them with existing footpaths and rights-of-way.
The name ‘Via Beata’ means ‘a way of blessing’. As this project has developed, we have been constantly surprised by the ways in which this blessing has touched individuals, churches, groups and events. This has been far beyond our early expectations. Our initial thought was that we would be commissioning artists to create pieces to place along the route, but increasingly we are working with churches, group projects and Christian events to make them.
As we look to the future, we are confident that the blessing will continue and increase. Our prayer is that it will touch more and more people, communities and churches, and ultimately will be a blessing for our nation.